You have run out of room on your drive that contains Steam games. Do you want to move the games somewhere else? Have you just bought a new drive to store your Steam games and would like to transfer them there?
Steam allows users to move their Steam games from one drive to another without having to reinstall them. We will show you below how to easily migrate your Steam games installed to another drive.
How to transfer Steam games to another drive
Follow these steps to move your Steam games onto another drive on your PC:
1.Launch Steam.
2.Select Settings from the Steam Menu in the upper-left corner.
3.Navigate to the Downloads Tab in the left-sidebar of the The following are the most effective ways to reduce your risk of injury. Click on the window to open it Steam Library Folders .
4.If you don’t see the other drive (where you want to relocate games) in the Storage Manager It doesn’t have any window. SteamLibrary Folder, the folder in which Steam games are stored. Create that folder first.
5.Select the drive you wish to move Steam games, and then create a SteamLibrary directory.
6.Then, select the newly created folder, click Add to Cart The destination drive will now appear in Storage Manager.
7.Select the drive that contains your current games and all games will be displayed.
8.Click on the Move Button and select the games you wish to move.
9.Select the drive you wish to move the game from and click on the Move option.
Steam Games Can Be Moved Quickly to Another Drive
Steam makes it easy to transfer games from one drive to another. We’ve shown how to quickly transfer your games onto another drive.
You don’t have to move the Steam games from the external drive onto the local drive of the new computer if you are transferring them later. Steam games can be played on the external drive.
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